
About Ink

Four years ago, aged 18, I started working in the City of London as a trainee accountant.

Today, I am a part-qualified accountant, and I have experienced everything from starting a new job, meeting new people, meeting and working with clients, working with junior staff and  partners, being interviewed and  interviewing, promoted the company I work for, as well as the usual spending 20+ minutes in the morning trying to find something that fits, which is smart enough...and clean. I have also experienced all the emotions that go with working.

When you're not at work, most of us don't want to have to think about it. So shopping for, and spending hard earned money on, clothes for work, isn't an attractive task. INK is designed to make that process easier, faster, and pain free.

All items are hand selected, after careful review to ensure that they're 100% appropriate for a professional workplace, yet are something that you actually want to wear, look good in, and don't want to have to change out of before going to the pub on Friday.

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